Thursday, 13 August 2009

Canon CanoScan LiDE 200 Scanner

I just upgraded my scanner. The old one, A Microtek Scanmaker 4600, was about the size of four house bricks and made a noise like the gears were formed out of the aforementioned bricks. It was born around the time of Windows 98. But it produced very good results.

However, time to upgrade, I thought. I love doing photo restoration work and the Epson Perfection range of scanners are highly recommended for this sort of thing. However, the decent ones were way above my budget at the time and so I investigated the Canon LiDE range, eventually deciding on the 200 model.

So off to my favourite online store, ebuyer to find it going for just over £60. Now, if you've never used then I really do recommend you give them a try, not just for their prices but also for their service. While I was placing my order at around 6.00 pm on 12th August I noticed a little box telling me there was only something like 1 hour 32 minutes to order for delivery on 13th August. "Oh yeah" I thought, and ignored it. Sure enough the next day at 9.30 am my scanner arrived, Unbelievable!

Anyway, the Canon is a totally different beast from the Microtek. For a start it is barely 1.5" high, hardly bigger than an A4 sheet and doesn't need a power supply as it takes it's power requirements from the USB port. So it was driver disk in, reboot when done, connect USB cable. And that was it. No fuss. No errors. Done.

I haven't fully tested it out yet but initial impressions are smooth, quiet, fast and the results for 300 dpi colour scans are truly excellent. And that's without playing with the advanced options such as Descreening, Dust & Scratch Reduction, Sharpening, different Colour Profiles and so on.

I really thought I was happy with the old Microtek, but I've got to admit the Canon is in another league.

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